Anecdote (cerita lucu)

   a.       Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose)
  Menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa lucu berdasarkan khayalan atau peristiwa   nyata yang bertujuan menghibur.
   b.      Struktur Teks (Text Structure)
  1.  Abstrak
  2.  Pengenalan
  3.  Krisis
  4 Tindakan
  5 .Koda (prubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita)
   c.       Ciri kebahasaan menggunakan:
    • Seruan/kata seru, pertanyaan retorik dan kata-kata seperti Listen to this! And do you know what? It’s awful, isn’t it? dsb
    • Action verbs, misalnya go, write, dsb.
    • Conjuctions yang berhubungan dengan waktu, seperti then, afterwards, dsb.
d.      Contoh Teks Anecdote




Reaction/ tindakan

Coda/ koda
Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich died and left Dave a lot of money.

So he decided to set up his own real estate agency.

He had only been there for a few hours when he heard some onr coming towards the door of hos offoce.

“It’s my first customer!” he thought. He quickly p[icked up the telephone and pretended to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country.

The man knocked at the door while this was going on, came in and waited politely for the agent to finish his conversation. Then he said to me, “I’m from the telephone company, and I was sent here to connect your telephone.”

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